Warning To GENZ
Let this be a warning to GENZ and Millennials, it is done only out of love for you. Your choices are completely yours and now free of any judgment from society, take it from a guy who lived without God for the first 29 years of his life, while Jesus forgives sinners, the consequences of every choice you make and will make will personally affect your life, once you reach my age, this truth is immutable.You Get Away With Nothing
You get away with nothing in life, not physically, emotionally, relationally, financially and most of all spiritually.
"Own It"
Be grateful when you receive mercy and grace. These things are not a given, even for the believer who puts their faith in Jesus, His atoning death, while you are judiciously forgiven in God's kingdom, here on earth you will be required to pay up. This truth hit me hard around Christmas of 2020, after some serious inflection I came up with the phrase, "Own It!" as my NYE resolution.
3-Part Beings
When attending Moody Bible evening classes back in the late 1990's I had a professor teach us about man is a three-part being. We are a spirit, who has a soul, who lives in a body. When we are born our spirit is dead to God, when we receive Christ we are made alive in him. Our soul, this is our mind, will, and emotions. Our body, this is our flesh, our cravings, our feelings, our sensations, hormones, etc. all come from our flesh. We have a sinful nature dwelling in our flesh, (see Romans 6).
Most things Cannot Be Cancelled
I know that with my mind, I chose through my will to either obey the Holy Spirit that dwells in me or the sinful nature that is in my flesh. These choices are going to have and have always had a serious impact on life, the qualify of it or the lack of qualify of it. I know I am forgiven of sins, the cross of Christ took care of that, but the consequences of choices, in this world, are immutable. We can not cancel out our past, bad diets, addictions, divorce, or things we are truly ashamed of, those in this life are not cancelable. No off-ramp puts us back on track. Most of the time, we find where we are now is a direct result of choices we made that was probably based on some lie we believed about others, ourselves, or our situation.
Blaming Others
There is an interesting reality about life, we are wired to blame others. Divorce, job loss, weight gain, you name it, we want to blame others for our decisions. Own it, if you want to be different, simply own everything you ever did or will do. Adam blamed God for giving him Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent. Blaming others, and situations, and having excuses, all these are self-righteous actions and beliefs.
Even though I have overcome a lot of big issues in my life, divorce, raising kids mostly alone, going back to school and earning degrees, fixing credit, you name it. The one issue that will not go away is the aloneness (I am not lonely) that I experience because of my life choices. I no longer blame ex-wives or anyone for that matter, if I had been a man who chased excellence in my spiritual life, physical life, and mental life, I would not be alone. I am not a victim, I am what I am, because of what I chose. Once you accept this, you can start to live a better life, and realize it's not about you, not about you at all, once you accept that the secret now is to simply be better than yesterday, after all, tomorrow will eventually never come.
Live, Love, Laugh
Be careful, and live your life choices through the filter of two Bible passages, Proverbs 1 and Psalms 1. Root your heart in John 3:16, love people even when they are jerks, just don't let them destroy your peace, and laugh at funny animal videos.
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