The Beta Christian Male

Last year my daughter called me a hypocrite. I was confronting her about something she was doing. Years ago, my oldest son said the same thing... As a morbid obese person, (Person whose BMI is above 39) I will not take any more speaking engagements, or preach, or even adjunct until my body is well under control. How many obese preachers should leave the pulpit? How many preach against this or that yet their BMI and blood pressure, blood sugar is completely out of control? Yes this is a very mean post... can you tell I am reading "Extreme Ownership" by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin? I have literally stopped listening to the BETA Christian mindset, what I have discovered through observation, experience and seeking the truth, the Beta Christian mindset has feminized men, brought the standard set by Christ for being a man and made it equal to women. Seriously, ask yourself. Where does it say for a woman to "love your husband as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it." It does mean we should be stronger physically than women, what is expected of us is far greater, yet society keeps preaching equality. There isn't a more masculine, tough, alpha male moment in history as when Christ took the responsibility of the sins of the world onto his back. That is the standard for men, not women. The standard for wives, "wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord." The responsibility is not equal. Don't even try to rationalize it, it is God's design.

In the beta mindset of 2021, men should (I have heard these on Christian radio and books for two decades) "communicate more, share their feelings, just be yourself." This is not true, Jesus never shared his feelings, he only communicated truth, and thirdly, no one is Jesus but Jesus. Don't forget that. Jesus is the ultimate male role model, he followed his Father's will, he stayed on mission, he took care of his mother, he was confident in his maleness at the very beginning to put his own mother in her place, "woman, my time has not yet come." This authority as God in the flesh addressed his mother as the woman of Genesis 3. "And to the woman He said..." We are not equal, the fall of man in Genesis 3 confirms two very important things, women will have pain in child-birth, men will work (which means live disciplined lives) until the day they die.

The Apostle Paul was not joking around, he made it clear, as men, as leaders, as proclaimers of the Gospel, take extreme ownership of your life. Chase discipline, not pleasure, not women, not ease of life. Chase discipline, personally, I am owning it at a level I have never owned it in my life. No excuses, I am repenting of my hypocrisy, my total hypocrisy, and by the way the beta mindset gives excuses, blames others, is a victim of (fill in the blank) never takes ownership. 1 Corinthians 9:27. "But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified." The Greek term Paul uses for "discipline" here is hypōpiazō, which literally refers to beating something black-and-blue.

Well, if you survived reading this, you are a little angry, perhaps I left you a little black-and-blue, but maybe, just maybe you agree, "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline" 2 Tim. 1:7. What do you need to own as a man? Health? Stewardship? Parenting?

Chase discipline and the rest will follow.
