Silent Killers

 There is a passage in the Bible that says, "Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell." Proverbs 5:5. I have recently come to understand the death culture of modern women. They are being influenced to seek their own glorification and gratification at their children's and potential families' expense. Here is a list of modern issues women face and are being deceived into embracing murderous killer psychopathy.

1. "My body, my choice." This phrase encourages women to believe because they bear children, they somehow have a choice to kill that child if it is inconvenient or an unplanned pregnancy. Why do women choose to terminate pregnancy? Mostly due to fear or a belief that the man they had sex with either won't or they believe can't provide for them and the child. There are endless reasons why women choose to kill, to murder, but usually, it is because of fear. 

"Her feet go down to death" is an accurate description of a woman headed to a clinic whose sole purpose is to end her pregnancy. That clinic's mission is to facilitate the taking of human life; any laws or religious beliefs that block or discourage their mission are deemed somehow immoral. 

Women are being deceived, deceived into believing this is an important right and that men should have no say or part in their decision to murder another human.

The argument is made, "What about incest, rape, or the health of the woman?" I know women who have had an abortion, they say the process of the abortion itself is the second violation, one that they willingly participated in and regret. I also know of two women who died after their pregnancy from untreated cancer because they chose the life of their child rather than their own. Neither of those women nor their children regret their decision to sacrifice themselves.

Then there are those women living with what might have been the horrible reality of the fact they were deceived into terminating the life of their unborn child; that egg was from them, and the appalling reality of the fact they were deceived into terminating the life of their unborn child, that egg was from them, they chose to sacrifice that child to the god of self. There are whole Christian ministries helping those women today recover from that trauma. 

Who is to blame? Of the cowardly pastors who lead churches, nearly a third of all church attendees abstain from voting in elections. If they showed up and voted, these issues would end immediately. The non-voting Christians are no different than the civilians who knew the death camps were operating in their towns in WWII and did nothing. Same issue, different set of circumstances. 

When I hear people say they don't vote because they don't like the choice of candidate, that is the ultimate cop-out. Vote the position, not the personality. 

The blood of the unborn will not wash off the silent, complacent killer's hands. 
